Dirac’s Angel
“(i∂ + m) ψ = 0”
This is the Dirac equation. It’s the most mysterious equation in physics. It describes the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, which says: If two systems interact with each other for a certain period of time and then separate from each other, we can describe them as two different systems, but they already exist as another unique system.
What happens to one continues to affect the other, even miles or light years away.
This is quantum entanglement or quantum entanglement.
Two particles that were entangled at some point are always entangled. Regardless of the distance between them, even if they are at opposite ends of the universe, the connection between them is instantaneous.
And if those two particles are people..... Every connection we have is nothing less than quantum entanglement. And eternally connected to each other.
Incidentally, Dirac’s equation predicted experiments on the existence of antimatter.
Medium: Charcoal drawing, watercolor, gouache. Some of the works are photographed and processed in digital-art.

Ангел Дирака. Рисунок углем, ручка. Фотография. Арт-диджитал. 20-30 см

Searching for connections. Charcoal, watercolor. 20-30 cm.

You — I am (ZERO). Drawing in charcoal, watercolor, gouache.
Spirit of the Field. Charcoal, acrylic, photography. Digital art. 20-30 cm.

Antimatter. Pencil. Dirac leveling.
Quantum Connections. 21 — 27 cm. Pencil drawing, digital art.

Physical laws should be mathematically beautiful. Paul Dirac. Digital Art.

The Dirac manuscript. Search, search, search… Digital Art.
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