Oh, these Eastern practices. Tempting, kind of not my thing. But still.
I started practicing qigong in the fall. Unexpectedly for myself, but I got so involved that skipping one class is already a disaster. The atmosphere is friendly and easy. We quickly got in touch with all the participants and, of course, with the master Roman. It turned out to be not scary and not as difficult as I thought. At the beginning of Monday, Roman suddenly wrote me if I wanted to shoot him directly at the practice. I collected the camera, turning before my eyes the hall with rather poor light, grabbed a photo flashlight “just in case”. And already fidgeting with the keys to the apartment, rushed to get a tripod. And for good reason.
On the way I realized that we will do, of course, chabe. A man’s portrait, after all. Now we have to figure out the light.
The universe smiled on us and someone from the staff, seeing our efforts to somehow illuminate the hall, brought two spotlights (a strong word, more like two large lanterns). The results of the session in the style of fast and fun, you can see here.
Обожаю тебя) Ты мастер своего дела!